HELD 4th MAY, 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom


PRESENT: Chairman: Mr C. Alden (CA)      Mr T. Clark (TC)      

                     Mrs R. Danton (RD)                    Mr D. Hyde (DH)

                     Mrs J. Ursell (JU)                       

                     Clerks: Mr A. Sibley(AS) & Mrs J. Weyman (JW)                    


1.Welcome: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting which, in line with government guidelines during the pandemic, was held virtually.  He thanked AS for coming forward to take over the role of Clerk & JW for preparing the Annual Return.


  1. Apologies: None.


3 & 4.  Approval of Minutes & Matters Arising: Minutes from the previous meeting on 8th February were approved.  There were no Matters Arising which wouldn’t be covered under other Agenda items.


  1. Annual Report: Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) Part

a) Internal Audit – auditor’s time appreciated.

The following documents had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting for consideration so all were happy for them to be approved in this order:-

b) AGAR form Section 1, page 5: Governance Statements.

c) Financial matters:

  1. 2020/21 balance sheet;
  2. AGAR form Section 2 page 6: Accounting Statements.

d) Declaration of Exempt Status: as income and spend is below £25,000 for the year, the PC is exempt from a limited assurance review with the external auditors and the Certificate of Exemption (page 3 of AGAR) was signed.

e) Exercise of Public Rights: agreed to be 14th June – 23rd July, 2021 as per the proforma. AS to remove notice from board on 24th July, 2021.


  1. Clerk’s Financial Report – as at 26.4.21:

Bank balance current account £2,367.80

Earmarked Reserve Fund £6,910.30

a)Transactions since last meeting:

In: 16p Feb-April interest and £859.00 April Precept.  Received £477.90 CIL in April, likely to be last payment as currently no other liable permissions in parish.  VAT reclaim (£58.50) not yet arrived.

Out: £40 Clerk’s expenses Jan-Feb

b)Payments/expenses meeting approved:

  1. Clerk’s expenses – 50% of broadband £20.00/month 3 months March-May = £60. Agreed for this to be paid to both Clerks during transition period.
  2. GAPTC subs due 14.5.21 £71.18.

3. Items due before next meeting:

  • Public Liability insurance due 26.6.21: CA has received renewal notice (£358.20 increase of £10 on 2020), will be last year of multi-year deal with Came & co.
  • Mower due 26.6.21: nothing received, CA to chase. Assume will be similar to 2020 ie around £141.

4. Playground annual safety inspection due 14.7.21: CA to book. Last year paid extra for accompanied inspection, so this year happy to return to unaccompanied which cost £45 (ex VAT) in 2019.

5. Registration of internet banking delegates: JW confirmed paperwork was now being sent to her address and reminded all of GAPTC’s confirmation that Clerk needs access to transfer between accounts and set payments up (which have been previously approved at meetings). Internet authorisation of payments is required by 2 councillors. 

Discussed pros & cons of various banks, lack of “chat” facility at Lloyds and difficulties/delay in setting up CA probably due to pandemic/staffing problems.

RD to change “lead contact” address from JW to AS.

JW to investigate which banks other PCs use.


  1. Emails or comments from residents, website issues.
  • None received recently.
  • Transparency Code: CA & DH met recently to discuss implications & actions needed.


  1. Planning: No concerns:-
  • 10 The Street: felling of fir tree.
  • Endright Barn: increase size of doors & windows on front.
  • Bennetts’ Farm: extension to farm building, new entrance (between existing 2) and demolition of old farm buildings.
  • Vodafone mast, Boxwell: now larger, not close to any properties.
  • 3 The Street – tree maintenance.


  1. Playing field:

CA explained that Amenities Committee is actually a sub-committee of PC. 

DH gave update on position:

2 new members bring the Committee numbers to 5, excluding CA & DH.

Using the Wicksteed report as a guide, much work has been carried out, eg bench replaced (thanks to Bill Hogg), multi play item rubbed down and repainted, condemned bench removed.

Next tasks include: welding of metal picnic bench and cleaning of matting under swings & re-do timber around edges.  AS offered to  help.

General discussion about what people would like, the huge variety and price range of playground equipment available and the possibility of using CIL monies and some reserves to fund eg replacement of the metal “igloo” which is approaching the end of      its life, having already had essential welding done by CA.

All agreed playground is a useful resource which should be looked after & expressed gratitude for the work done so far.


  1. Roads & flytipping: update from JU:-

a) Potholes: Whitewater Lane – some repaired & others now numbered. Many residents have used the report facility on the website and JU plans to include the details (also for flytipping) in the next newsletter.

b) Flytipping: black bags by Bowldown crossroads – JU had seen a council worker labelling them & they were subsequently removed.

c) Roadsweeping: a resident had queried whether we need to request this. Handled by a contractor for CDC rather than Glos Highways. There is a schedule to go to each village but timings still unclear – JU to investigate further & confirm whether we can also request it. Cleaner was seen in the village recently, unknown if a coincidence.

d) Signs: CA mentioned signposts at crossroads by duck pond and outside pub are rusted through. JU had received email saying latter was closed but will report both, re-sending photos of latter.

d) Pond: TC reported problems caused by youngsters taking stones off walls to throw into pond. DH to add notice discouraging this behaviour to Facebook page.


  1. AOB:

a) Village fete (?1st weekend July) – request for it to be held on playpark: No objections, all agreed a good use of the space.

b) Ash Die Back – following recent emails received, TC queried whether we needed to report suspected cases etc. Concluded not necessary as specialists dealing.

c) Lap-top for Clerk – all agreed sensible to buy one for PC matters as AS can use his existing one only for work. CA suggested a Chromebook with cloud storage which all councillors could access. DH will help with recommendations.

d) Walls – RD has noticed wall on corner by pub is falling towards road. CA to mention to publican.

– AS has noticed wall at house next to Duck House is bulging – JU to mention to owners.

– CA mentioned wall to right (ie towards school) of gate into playground leaning outwards.  TC agreed to share his expertise with a few volunteers on re-building it.


  1. Date of next meeting: Monday 13th September, 2021at 7.30pm, probably at Leighterton Primary School, assuming government guidelines allow & school is happy for us to return (DH to check). All welcome.

Meeting closed around 9.15pm.








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