Tuesday 3rd May at 7.55pm at Leighterton Primary School

Present:         Colin Alden, (CA)  Chairman

                        Tom Clark (TC)

                        Duncan Hyde   (DH)

                        Jenny Ursell  (JU)

                        Felicity White  (FW)

1          Welcome

CA welcomed Parish Council members to the meeting. 

2          Approval of Minutes

The Minutes from the previous meeting, held on 7th February 2022 were approved and signed off. 

3          Apologies

None received

4          The 2021 Financial Report

The Financial Report as at Financial Year End 31 March 2021 was presented.  The Chairman reported as follows:

  • As at the financial year end, the Current account held £1,422.79 and the Reserve account held £6,910.94.
  • Income included £1,428 from the Cotswold District Council in respect of the Precept applied for.
  • Expenditure of £67.48 in respect of Gloucestershire Area Parish and Town Council (GAPTC) annual subscription.

5          Emails and Correspondence

The only ones received from residents were in relation to the future development of Poole Farm.  Although CA has been in contact with both Gloucester Council and Tetbury Council, he has been advised that they have no additional knowledge at the present time.

6          AGAR

This is an annual accounts return required to be submitted by each Parish Council.  CA has received an email link and is currently examining requirements that apply to Boxwell with Leighterton.  FW to review once provided with the link.

7          Parish Website

Since the Parish website has been subject to high levels of SPAM, DH is to revise the contact options to only contain an email address in future. 

8          Planning

Recent Planning applications have been received in respect of the following

  • outstanding compliance and conditions for Elmes Barn
  • a house in Castle Farm Close has requested planning approval to raise a wall to 1.8 meters

9          Roads and Fly tipping

It was reported that the potholes next to the church and in Whitewater Lane have been repaired and that no recent fly tipping has been observed.  However, it was noted that the signpost at the crossroads outside the pub requires urgent replacement as the base is badly corroded and it could topple quite easily.  JU to report this to Highways.

10        AOB

The bench to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is to be delivered to JU in the next few days.  It is a 3-seater which cost £420 and has a plaque in honour of the Platinum Jubilee.  It is still to be determined where it is to be sited, but members of the Parish Council discussed 3 possible locations.  With the remaining allocated funds, some Jubilee Plum Trees have been ordered with a view to planting them in the Autumn when conditions are more favourable.  It was proposed that they might be planted in the Park.

11        Date of next Parish Council Meeting

This is due to take place on 6th September 2022.


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