Minutes of Boxwell with Leighterton Parish Council
07/02/2022, 7.30pm
Held at Leighterton Primary School

Attending: Colin Alden (chair), Tom Clark, Rachel Danton, Jenny Ursell, Duncan Hyde, Beth Alden (minute taker)
Apologies: none (Clerk role currently vacant)

  1. Previous minutes:
    a. Approved – no actions
  2.  Financial update:
    a. RD had shared financial update with CA
    i. £1495.89 in current account
    ii. £6910.83 in savings account – no movement
    iii. Amenities committee funds – no movement
    iv. CDC payment of £500 has not yet been received ACTION: JU to chase
    v. No payment yet made from Christmas event in the village, £150 had been offered. ACTION: CA to accept with thanks and arrange payment
  3. Vacant Clerk role:
    a. CA is not able to cover the Clerk role alongside responsibilities of Chair. It is imperative a Clerk is appointed.
    ACTION: CA to advertise role in village newsletter and the DYDDI
    ACTION: JU to contact other local parish councils and ask about sharing a Clerk (Didmarton and Kingscote)
    ACTION: All councillors to renew face-to-face asking
  4.  Contested Election Charge as proposed by CDC:
    a. Concern was raised following an email from Richard Morgan outlining plans for CDC to charge Parish Councils for contested elections. It was clear there were several interpretations of the email sent by Richard Morgan and clarification was needed. ACTION: JU to speak with RM and confirm what the charge is for and under what exact circumstances it would be charged.
    b. The same email also outlined CDC’s proposal to charge Parish Council’s for managing dog-waste bins. CA clarified this would be a charge for the install of new bins only, current provision would remain.
    c. CA had asked for an uplift in the precept of £1700 to help the village cover these potential, future costs
    i. RD noted previously precept had been increased by 10% every two years. ii. It was felt that the increased precept would not go to waste and would be invested into the village if not needed to cover contested election costs.
  5.  Jubilee events:
    a. CA had been contacted by people in the village who would like there to be a celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee this summer, a party and lighting a beacon had both been suggested.
    i. The Parish Council would like to mark the Jubilee with a permanent addition to the village, a tree or bench were suggested. The Council agreed to support this with £500. ACTION: JU and DH to lead on this and report back at next
    ii. ACTION: CA to respond to enquiries
    iii. The PC is encouraged by the offer of villagers to independently lead on the party.
  6.  Improved management of school related traffic and parking:
    a. It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that around drop-off and collection times cars were driving too fast through the village, this, along with kerb-side parking from the school back to the park made was quoted during the meeting as an ‘accident waiting to happen’. ACTION: CA to raise the matter formally with the school, bringing the Parish Council’s concern to the head teacher and governors.
  7.  Planning:
    a. No new planning application have been published by CDC
    b. Proposed tree works discussed at last meeting had all been decided
    c. Outstanding applications for Elmes Barn, Endright and Northfield are still awaiting decisions
  8. Roads:
    a. ACTION: JU to report new potholes to CDC
    b. CA noted The Meads would be closed for 24 hours for essential utilities works 04 & 05/04/22
    i. ACTION: DH to add this to facebook
  9.  Future meeting dates:
    a. Date for next meeting was agreed as 3rd May, 7.30pm at Leighterton School (note -this is a Tuesday due to bank holiday)
    b. This will also be AGM
    i. ACTION: AGAR forms and certificate needed
  10.  AOB:
    a. Succession planning: After serving for 10 years RD intends to step down from the Parish Council. There is a need for new people to join the Parish Council to enable current serving trustees to step down.
    i. ACTION: CA to check minimum and maximum number of councillors
    permitted and rules of constitution
    ii. ACTION: further discussion should be brought to the next meeting in May The meeting ended at 8.45pm


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